Frequently Asked Questions
What is Last Letter First?
Last Letter First is a word game that can be played by yourself or with friends, for points or just for fun.
How do I play
The idea of Last Letter First is simple: a player enters a word, the next player’s word must start with the letter that ended the prior players word. For example,
- Hope says the word “Unicorn”
- James has to come up with a word that starts with “N”: “Narwhal”
- Luke has to come up with a word that starts with “L”: “Lunar”
- Hope then has to come up with a word starts with “R”: etc.
Starting A Game
How do I start a new game?
Login, then click the New Game icon in the bottom menu:
Can I play by myself?
Can I play with friends?
How many players can play together in a game?
Up to 10 players can play together in one game.
How do I invite a new player to LastLetterFirst?
- Click NEW GAME
- Enter player’s email address or username in the search box
- Select the correct email address or username in the search results
- To invite a new player’s email address, answer “Yes” to the popup confirming the invite:

- Repeat step #3 and #4 until you have invited all the players you’d like to play.
- Click “Let’s Play” to play without scoring or click “Let’s Compete” to play with scoring
- Invited players will get an email and mobile notification
- When players have joined, you can start playing your game!
Can I invite players from my Google Contacts?
How do I invite players from my Google Contacts?
You can invite players from your Google Contacts if you login to LastLetterFirst using your Google account.
- Click NEW GAME
- Enter a name or email address in the search box
- Select the correct email address or username in the search results
- To invite a new player’s email address, answer “Yes” to the popup confirming the invite:

- Repeat step #3 and #4 until you have invited all the players you’d like to play.
- Click “Let’s Play” to play without scoring or click “Let’s Compete” to play with scoring
- Invited players will get an email and mobile notification
- When players have joined, you can start playing your game!
Note: to invite a Google Contact they must have an email address.
Can I invite players from my Facebook Friends?
No, unfortunately Facebook does not allow this 🙁
Can I quickly play another game with the same players?
How do I quickly play another game with the same players?
- Click GAMES to see the list of your games
- Click the Play Again button next to the game you want to play again
- A new game will be started with the same players
Game Play
How are points calculated?
The points for a word are calculated by adding up the points assigned to each letter of the word:
Can a player repeat a word?
Yes, if you are playing but only when you are playing a “Let’s Play” game (no points).
No, if you are playing in “Let’s Compete” (with points).
Can I play with word that does not exist?
No, you can never use a word that does not exist
What happens if I enter a word that does not exist?
If you are playing a “Let’s Compete” game, entering a word that does not exist earns you a a strike and the next player gets a turn.
When does a game end?
The game ends when all the players in a game get 3 strikes.
A player earns a strike when they enter a misspelled word or a word that has already been used in the game.
What options are there for game display?
LastLetterFirst support several themes for the game play display such as:
- Boats
- Planes
- Advanced Mode
How do I change the game display?
You change the game display theme by clicking on the Account button and selecting the theme from the dropdown.
What is Advanced Mode?
Advanced Mode is a text based game display for players who want to see game details without the graphical fluff. 😉
Can we create new game display modes?
Yes! Click the Feedback button and send us your ideas!
What to do If I forgot password?
Use the “Forgot Password?” in the login window to get an email to reset your password.
Can I change my password?
How do I change my password?
- Click on Account
- Click on CHANGE PASSWORD button
- If you login using your Facebook, Google, or Apple account then you can not change your password in LastLetterFirst
What does LastLetterFirst do with my information?
You can read our Privacy Policy at
How do I contact LastLetterFirst from inside the game?
You can send us feedback directly from the application:
- Click OTHER
- Send us your feedback!
How do I contact LastLetterFirst from outside the game?
You can send us feedback from the website:
- Go to
- Click on Support
- Send us your feedback!