high score words starting with the letter O

High Score Words Starting With The Letter “O”

LLF 970

One of the reasons that so many people love playing Last Letter First is because each new round offers a fresh opportunity to achieve your best score ever. If you’re looking for ways to help improve your score, one place to start is by trying to learn as many high score words as possible. But, how can you find out which words will earn the most points in the game?

While there are plenty of ways to learn new words, the best place to start learning high-scoring words is to take the alphabet a single letter at a time. This strategy helps you slow down and familiarize yourself with as many complex, unique, and uncommon words as possible. How many high scoring words do you know that begin with the letter “O”? 

The more words you know, the better chance you have at setting a personal record during your next came of Last Letter First. Explore some of these high-scoring words beginning with the letter “O”.

Super High Score Last Letter First Words Starting With “O” That Bring 20 to 24 Points

Here are some of the highest-scoring words starting with “O”:

Oxidize – 24 Points

Oxidize means to cover an element into oxygen or to cover something with a coating of rust.

Outjinxed – 24 Points

Outjinxed is a British English word that means that one has exceeded, or gone above and beyond, in jinxing.

Overjoy – 20 Points

Overjoy means to give a large amount of joy to something.

High Score Words Starting With “O” That Bring 17 to 19 Points

These are also some high score words that begin with the letter “O”:

Overmix – 19 Points

To overmix means to mix something too much.

Oblique – 18 Points

Oblique means that something has a slanted position or direction or that it is not straightforward or to the point.

Objects – 18 Points

Objects are inanimate items that have a fixed form that you can touch and see.

Oxfords – 18 Points

Oxfords are a style of laced dress shoes with low heels.

Oxblood – 17 Points

Oxblood describes a color that is a deep shade of red.

Oxygen – 17 Points

Oxygen is a colorless gas that makes up the air we breathe, and plants and animals all need oxygen to live.

Outsize – 16 Points

An item that is outsized is larger or more oversized than one might expect.

How to Come Up With High Scoring Words In Last Letter First

If your goal is to win every game of Last Letter First, then you’ll want to play as many high-scoring words as possible. The key to coming up with high-scoring words is learning how to calculate the score of each word using the scoring chart. To calculate the value of a word, add up the values associated with each letter it contains. Each letter of the alphabet is assigned a value based on how commonly or rarely occurring it is in the English language. For example, the letter O, which is used often, is worth 1 point, while the letter Q, which is used less frequently, is worth 10 points.

If you want to calculate the value of a word, just add up the points assigned to each letter:

A – 1

B – 3

C – 3

D – 2

E – 1

F – 4

G – 2

H – 4

I – 1

J – 8

K – 5

L – 1

M – 3

N – 1

O – 1

P – 3

Q – 10

R – 1

S – 1

T – 1

U – 1

V – 4

W – 4

X – 8

Y – 4

Z – 10

The beauty of playing Last Letter First is that you can play with others or independently, for points or just for fun. Whenever you play for points you can decide whether your goal is to win the game or simply to set a brand new personal record for your best score ever. Either way, you’ll want to select the words you play based on how many points each word is worth.

Before you play a word, determine how many points it’s worth using the above scoring table, or you can type the word into the text box within the Last Letter First game and it will automatically calculate how many points the worth is worth in real-time. If you’re happy with the value of the word you’ll earn, play the word! But, if you’re not, take your time and think of a word that will learn more points. Playing with this mentality will help you keep the game fresh, exciting, and challenging round after round.

It’s important to keep in mind that even though one word might have more letters than another doesn’t necessarily mean it will earn more points in Last Letter First. The key to success when playing games with words is trying to generate words that have the most unique and interesting letters to earn the highest score.

In Summary

Every time you begin a round of Last Letter First offers you the opportunity to earn your highest score yet and play the most interesting and complicated words. Remember as many high-scoring words starting with O as you possibly can so you can set your own personal high record. 

Even though Last Letter First is easy to play, the possibilities for gameplay are endless. When you’re ready to put your vocabulary skills to the test and practice all of the high score words starting with O that you’ve learned, invite your friends to join you or challenge yourself to a game of Last Letter First.

Download Last Letter First today or play it directly in your web browser!

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