high score words starting with the letter E

High Score Words Starting With the Letter “E”

One reason that Last Letter First is so much fun to play is that it has a scoring component that allows you to compete against yourself or your friends to earn the highest score possible. The more words you know, the better chance you have of winning the game. 

If you’re on a journey of trying to broaden your vocabulary by learning increasingly more unique and complicated words, taking the alphabet one letter at a time is a great technique. Setting smaller goals makes it easier to track your progress and see how far you’ve come, especially when playing word games

There are plenty of high-scoring Last Letter First words that begin with the letter E, and learning as many as possible will help you quite a bit the next time you find yourself in the middle of a game. Keep in mind that high score words aren’t always the longest, but the ones with the most uncommonly used letters. So, when you’re ready to take your vocabulary to the next level, try playing some of these high-scoring E words!

Super High Score Last Letter First Words Starting With “E” That Bring 20 to 23 Points

Here are some of the highest-scoring words that begin with the letter “E”:

Enzymic – 23 Points

Enzymic is a less commonly used alternative to the word enzymatic, which refers to something relating to or produced by an enzyme.

Equinox – 23 Points

Equinox refers to two occasions each year during which the sun crosses the equator, making day and night equal in length everywhere on earth.

Enzymes – 21 Points

Enzymes are proteins that exist within the body’s living cells that catalyze chemical reactions.

Equably – 21 Points

Equably describes an object or series of objects as being uniform or lacking variation.

Ebonized – 20 Points

When something is stained black, imitating the color of ebony, it is ebonized.

High Score Words Starting With “E” That Bring 16 to 19 Points

These are also some high score words that begin with the letter “E”:

Econobox – 19 Points

Econobox is a word that can be used to describe small, economical cars like Smart cars, Fiats, or other similar models.

Ectozoon – 19 Points

Ectozoon is the singular form of the word ectozoa, which refers to external animal parasites.

Earwaxes – 18 Points

Earwaxes is the plural form of the word earwax, which describes the often yellow, waxy secretion that is produced by glands in the inner ear.

Excellent – 18 Points

Excellent means extremely good or outstanding and is used to indicate approval.

Effusive – 17 Points

An effusive person is one who displays an outpouring of excessive or over-the-top enthusiasm or emotion.

Echogram – 16 Points

Echogram is another word for sonogram, which is the image that is produced by ultrasound.

How to Come Up With High Scoring Words In Last Letter First

Scores are calculated in Last Letter First based on the individual letters in each word you play. Each letter of the alphabet has a point value assigned to it based on how often the letter occurs in the English language. For example, the letter E is worth one point while the letter X, which is used far less frequently, is worth 8.

If you want to calculate the value of a word, just add up the points assigned to each letter:

A – 1

B – 3

C – 3

D – 2

E – 1

F – 4

G – 2

H – 4

I – 1

J – 8

K – 5

L – 1

M – 3

N – 1

O – 1

P – 3

Q – 10

R – 1

S – 1

T – 1

U – 1

V – 4

W – 4

X – 8

Y – 4

Z – 10

If you’re playing with the goal of getting a high score, you’ll want to choose words to play based on how many points they’re worth. Players are encouraged to use the scoring table to “cheat,” to figure out the value of a word before you enter it. As you type the letters of a word into the text box you’ll see the total point value displayed in real-time. If you’re satisfied with its value you can submit the word, or you can opt to play another word worth more points. This is a great way to keep the game competitive and to get more creative each time it’s your turn to play a word.

Remember that even if one word is longer than another it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a higher-scoring word. For example, the word “buzz” is worth 24 points while the word “anonymous” is worth only 14 points. Prioritize words that contain the most unique letters and combinations of letters over words that are the longest.

Before your next game of Last Letter First spend some time reviewing the scoring table, allowing yourself to come up with words you know that contain some of the highest scoring letters. Write some of them down and save them for the next round– you might even set your own personal best score!

In Summary

With each new game of Last Letter First comes a new chance to challenge yourself to play more complex words and achieve your highest score ever. Commit these high-scoring words starting with E to memory, then turn to the scoring table to build high score words of your own so you can beat your own personal best score game after game. The best part about playing Last Letter First is that while the rules are simple, you’ll never play the same round twice because the possibilities are infinite. Put your vocabulary skills to the test in a solo game or invite your friends to play with you and try to use these high-scoring E words.

Download Last Letter First today or play it directly in your web browser!

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